Some Coaching FAQ's
What is Coaching, exactly?
I am often asked this question and like to answer with the analogy of a musician. When a person first begins to learn a new musical instrument they are first taught how to play individual notes, then slowly larger and larger pieces of music. Eventually, the musician no longer needs a teacher, but a coach to help them find and create their own unique sound. This is what a coach does for you, in whichever area of life you would like them to help you with, a coach helps you focus on your own dreams and goals in order to achieve the results you want. Creative people often have coaches to help keep them focus on how to express their unique abilities, there should be no reason why each and every one of us does not have a coach to do the same in order for us to reach our highest potential.
How Is Coaching Different From Counseling Or Therapy?
Coaching focuses on today, what you want in your future and how you can achieve that…what steps you need to take or changes you can make in order to get closer to your desired outcome. Therapy is more focused on the past and uncovering why your past may be impacting your life today. Coaching focuses on the ‘what’ and ‘how’ you can change today to be more in line with the future you desire as opposed to the 'why' you may do things the way you do due to your past.
Is There A Difference Between Coaching And Consulting?
Yes. A consulting role is advisory. With all coaching, the focus is on you, your agenda and what you’d like to do to impact your future. A coach will not offer advice or give an opinion nor tell you what to do. Powerful questioning will help you to see various perspectives, decide on what’s best for you and move forward. You control the agenda, a coach helps with the process.
How Does A Typical Coaching Session Work?
We will discuss upfront how often we will meet and for how long. Normally I see clients weekly or bi-weekly for either 60 or 90minute sessions. If you’re in Berlin, we can meet in person or otherwise, coaching works just as well via Skype, FaceTime or phone. I will also ‘form an alliance’ with you. This is a respectful, trusting, safe and open relationship that I build with all my clients. It helps create the foundation for truly transformative progress.
Early on in the session we’ll establish what you’d like to work on and if you’re not sure, we’ll discuss what seems most relevant and important to you at that time. We will talk through it and look for opportunities to set some goals or action steps to help you achieve some ‘small wins’ toward your overall goal. Coaching is designed around measurable outcomes, so throughout the process we will talk about what’s working and what’s not to ensure a positive experience.
Am I ‘Coachable’?
Consider the following questions, if the answer is YES to most of them, then you are a good candidate for coaching:
Is there something you want to change either at work or in your life?
Are you having trouble adjusting to a life change?
Do you feel motivated to make a change to steer your life in the direction you desire but need help with staying on track?
Do you have a sense of urgency around wanting this change to happen now?
Are you willing to commit the time and energy on an ongoing basis toward making the change required?
How Long Does Coaching Take?
The coaching term can vary for each client depending on their goals. However, when trying to create change and/or work through a significant change it doesn’t happen overnight. It can vary between life coaching, transition coaching and leadership coaching. Depending on what your goals and needs are, coming ready to commit to the process for 3-6 months is advisable. If you feel satisfied sooner than that, that’s great and also works just fine.
Is Coaching Confidential?
Of course! Everything we discuss will be held in the highest of client/coach confidentiality.
Will I Have Homework To Do With Coaching?
Yes you may. Generally the homework will be for you to take specific steps towards making the change that is required for you to achieve your goal. Change doesn’t happen overnight and it doesn’t stick if we only do it once or for one hour per week. So in between our meetings I may ask you to do some ‘homework’ to benefit you in reaching your goal. This could include reading, writing/journaling, keeping track of something, practicing an aspect of your plan – it’s all very specific to what’s best for you and your goal.
Is There Any Paperwork?
Yes, we will establish a coaching or consulting contract at the beginning of our work together that will indicate a monthly fee, when/how often we will meet, the initial term of our agreement, payment terms as well as our commitments to each other. At this time I will also share my guidelines, including things like the cancellation policy. For coaching, there may also be an introductory questionnaire that the Client fills out to articulate their goals for coaching and other relevant information.