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Hema has a uniquely holistic coaching style drawing on years of experience as an entrepreneur as well as HR, Executive Search, Advertising and more recently her coaching background. Her sessions are never the same, keep you on your toes and follow no specific formula. Intrinsically intuitive, Hema helps you see the big picture, making sure you don’t ignore the burning questions and at the same time don’t take your eye off the long game. If you’re looking for a sounding board and someone who can ‘hold the space’ to ask you the questions you need to answer but maybe can’t see, I highly recommend Hema as your coach.




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"With her expert intuition and keen listening abilities, Hema is able to focus on core issues and guides you to draw out the solutions efficiently"



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" was a great workshop as it really  made me think about what I want to achieve as a leader, and how I can get there."

Anonymous, Student Leadership Workshop 

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Hema was a fantastic coach I worked with as part of a coaching circle. She supported me in staying focused and going through with my big visions at a time when I was almost burnt out. She helped me to stay on track, feel supported and shift my mindset to take consistent inspired actions towards what I wanted. Her understanding of an international lifestyle was a big bonus. Since coaching with Hema I have been invited internationally to speak on lifestyle and business shows, launched a group programme which has been acknowledged on ABC, NBC, FOX and I am publishing my first book! Thanks Hema, for being part of my journey.


Ying Han Cheng

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"Overall the workshop was very helpful. It let me understand how I should grow as a Leader, what I truly believe in, what I am doing well as a Leader. I also grew closer to my fellow captains and our teamwork improved."

Anonymous, Student Leadership Workshop

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‘I think the workshop strengthened our alliance through self-reflection. The perspective expansion exercise will definitely enable me to attack problems in a new way. Generally, the workshop also inspired me and motivated me. I got new ideas and a sense of joy and euphoria through the brainstorming and discussions. It has left me with the feeling that everything is possible, we can really make a difference even if the journey may take a while.’

Anonymous, Leadership Workshop 

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‘The workshop on leadership has helped me to become a better representative and a better individual. I have gotten to know myself better and set clear goals and priorities which will help me guide others, as well as myself.’

Anonymous, Leadership Workshop

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