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Life in Transition

Transition coaching is specifically to help  you through a change in your life that is happening already, or to prepare you for a change which is coming.


Have you recently found yourself in the midst of a challenging transition?  Whether it be experiencing a career change, relocating, going through a divorce or being laid off these transitions cause us to be challenged in ways we sometimes don’t expect.  During this transition we are forced to go through different stages of being.  It can be overwhelming until you can identify for yourself where you are in the cycle and how to best meet your own needs.

As your transition coach, I help you land on your feet again by partnering with you as you navigate the unknown.  Being in a new environment poses challenges, but it also offers the opportunity for you to change aspects of your life and to reboot.  Together we determine what you want to be different in your new life/environment while gaining clarity on who you are today, and who you want to be in your new environment making sure that you stay true to your core values and beliefs.

If you would like to speak with us in more detail about Transition Coaching please contact us here to make an appointment.

I am not what has happened to me, I am what I choose to become’ ~ Carl Jung
Intrinsically intuitive, Hema helps you see the big picture, making sure you don’t ignore the burning questions and at the same time don’t take your eye off the long game.
The workshop on leadership has helped me to become a better representative and a better individual. I have gotten to know myself better and set clear goals and priorities which will help me guide others, as well as myself.
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